Thursday, July 7, 2016

Rolling tortillas

I have been cooking up a storm lately!! So much so that I've been too tired to write. Well, between cooking, having a toddler and being 18wks preggo that is... :)

In the last week I've made potato, leek, and caramelized onion quiche twice, along with a potato and leek soup. I did a BBQ pizza with homemade sauce and dough, a Hawaiian pizza (again, homemade sauce and dough), brownies, cookies, a few loaves of bread, pineapple chicken curry, stirfry and a couple other things that I can't think of off the top of my head.

For D's dinner/lunch today, I whipped up some tacos. Homemade corn tortilla, some cilantro lime rice, corn, black beans, rotel tomatoes with chilie and some sharp cheddar cheese. It was simple enough. I spent a few years after HS working at Chipotle, so the rice was basically second nature. The other fillings came canned because I live in a condo and have no room for a garden. But those tortillas..... Man were those suckers hard!!!

Now homemade corn tortillas are simple enough. They're made of two ingredients (three if you add salt) and take about 60seconds to cook. See? Simple. But the tough part is that I don't have a tortilla press. So I got to create each one with a rolling pin. I probably spent an hour rolling and rerolling those suckers!!! Tortillas can't be too thick (then they're just chewy) or too thin (they'll stick to the wax paper and break apart). They have to be just right. And since I've never made tortilla before, that "just right" thickness was a little harder to achieve.

But no fear! Once you get a good rhythm going, you can start rolling them a heck of a lot faster. So finally, after all that time I got SIX whole tortillas to pack in D's lunch. I had made 8, but two of them ended up in my belly as "tests". P

Overall, I'm pretty happy about how they turned out. As you can probably guess they weren't glorious, restaurant quality beauties. But making my own tortillas for the first time was extremely satisfying! I am hoping with practice that with practice (and a tortilla press) I'll be making some seriously bomb tortillas.

 It's been a fun challenge, teaching myself different styles of cooking at the same time. So many people focus on mastering just one cuisine. There's really something to be said for that. It allows you to really get into the nitty gritties of a dish without distraction. But honestly, I'm not sure I could stomach that. Cooking is my outlet. It's where I go to burn of steam and show some creativity. I honestly think I would get bored if I made pasta every single day. Don't get me wrong, I totally love pasta, but I love so much in cooking! I really do think I would get cabin fever cooking the same cuisine day in and day out.

But that's just me. You do you!

Oh yeah! I made risotto this week too! It was pretty awesome.

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